Ivo, during an exploration dive at Ixtlan, 2015


Since you have landed on this page, we assume that you have done your homework and know about our reputation. We will be happy to work with you and become friends!

We currently offer the full range of IANTD Overhead training programs – from Cavern Diver all the way up to Advanced Tec Cave Sidemount, Multi-Stage Cave DPV and the Cave Exploration level courses. We never take big groups, we always work individually and customize all training programs, so that everyone can effectively and quickly learn even the most complex tricks. Certification is not guaranteed, but if we can not help you earn it, no one can 🙂

By training with us you will be at the cutting edge of the current cave diving craft – you will be learning from the members of the only FULL TIME exploration team in the Yucatan – the ATI Cave Exploration team. This means that our students get to learn methods and techniques which are currently proving themselves in the most extreme forms of siidemount cave exploration, and you will know them first, long before anyone else. This, among other things is the reason why we are currently the leading sidemount training facility at the Riviera Maya for those who not only want to learn to dive, but want to learn about the caves and set on the path of becoming real explorers. 


Instructor Training


Additionally, as we have been doing for the past couple of years, we also offer discreet exploration level sidemount training to Cave Diving Instructors, who want to perfect their skills and learn the latest techniques at our private cenotes and caves, away from curious eyes. If you fall into this category, just call us and we will be happy to work with you. 


Our Classroom at the Ixtlan Cenote


Please write us for details – we will be happy to make a quote, and a custom program just for you!


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