About Us

Our private classroom at the Ixtlan Cenote!


We started our operation as a very specialized cave diving school in the Riviera Maya in 2012 after more than 20 years of owning a hugely popular speleology school in Europe, and now, in 2017, we are proud to be acknowledged as the one of the top cave diving training facilities in Mexico. Apart from having the privilege of working with outstanding instructors, we are the only dive school in Mexico which owns it’s own cenote, two private access caves (one is the current longest single entrance underwater cave in the world, the Ixtlan Cave), we have our own filling station and, of course, we are equipped with top of the line dive gear.



Deyan – co-owner and chief Tec Cave Diving instructor at DM (IANTD)


We offer the full range of diving certification programs, putting special emphasis on the most advanced Tec cave diving specialities. We often work with European national speleological associations and we routinely conduct refresher and exploration level speciality programs for active cave diving instructors and explorers. By choosing to train with us you are choosing to see things from another angle – that of the people at the cutting edge of Mexican cave exploration. Our courses are nothing like what a typical dive center would offer – our training programs are much more detailed, nonsense free, performance oriented and we focus always on the newest methods and techniques which have proven themselves in the field. Additionally, each and every program is customized to help you learn effectively at the fastest possible rate, and we never work with big groups. We save our students time, money and we open for them a level of diving which is reserved for only a few.


Ivo, the owner of Diving Mexico, after a difficult exploration dive 


Don’t hesitate to contact us with questions, we will always offer advice, whether you decide to train/dive with us or just need information on the region and the other options it offers. All inquiries are welcome!


Please write us for details – we will be happy to make a quote, and a custom program just for you!

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